Designer Sanity's Month of Gratitude Week 2: Your Network

Nov 04, 2022

Welcome to week two of our FREE 30-day Designer Sanity Gratitude Practice!  In case you missed week 1, Gratitude for Your Clients, you can find that here.  It’s never too late to jump in where you are! 

Click here to download your free 30-Day gratitude journal with daily prompts to get you focused on gratitude in your kitchen and bath design business all month long.   In minutes a day, you can increase your happiness and overall sense of well-being in a powerful way. 


“When gratitude becomes an essential foundation in our lives, miracles start to appear everywhere.”

- Emmanuel Dagher


Week 2: Gratitude for your NETWORK

This week, you're going to focus on feeling and expressing  gratitude toward your network.

 Your network includes everyone you come in contact with in your professional life. 

 Contractors, Tradespeople, Architects, Showroom and Product Reps. 

 Employees, colleagues, bosses and sub-contractors.  

 And, perhaps most of all, your network of designer friends who support you emotionally and professionally.  

These are the people who help you when you're in a bind, give you grace when you mess up, and make you smile when you're having a bad day.  

 Focusing on all they add to your professional life in this way is a whole lot more than a sweet, pollyanna-ish way to pass the time.  

 Here’s what I’ve learned about gratitude.  What you focus on grows.  I don’t mean in an airy-fairy way like “focus on money and it will fall out of the sky for you!”  but in a real, immediate, and concrete way.   

 The fact is, the lens of our awareness can only focus on so many things at a time.  You have the power to control what you are focusing on, and wherever you turn your gaze will fill your awareness, and create your reality.  

 So choose wisely.  By choosing to focus on what you are grateful for, these positive things expand in your awareness to fill your consciousness with goodness.  These become the things you notice and what stands out to you. 

 Gratitude Practice: Your Network

So here’s what I’d like for you to do with this weeks’ gratitude journal practice focusing on our NETWORK.  

  1. Find a time when you can be alone and won’t be disturbed.  
  2. Sit down with your coffee or tea each morning or a glass of wine in the evening.  
  3. Light a candle and get comfy in your favorite chair.  
  4. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.  Let it all out, and then take another deep breath.  
  5. When you feel relaxed, turn your attention to your network, present and past.  Go as far back as you wish.  Feel the love in your heart of gratitude for them.  Let the thoughts and feelings flow through you.  
  6. When you’re ready, pull out your journal and write about it.   
  7.  Focus on gratitude for your network.  
  • Who helped you with crucial information when you most needed it?
  • Who is always there for you when you need them for support?
  • Who always brightens your day with a kind word or a smile?
  • Who went out of their way to help you out of a tough spot
  • Who inspires you?
  • Who referred you?
  • Who lets you be yourself?
  • And anything else that comes to mind.

 Do this every day this week.  Aim to write three things each day.

Share the love

Don’t just keep it to yourself!  A very powerful way to build on these good feelings is to actually express your gratitude to the people in your network who came to mind.  Email them, text them, call them, or write them an actual paper note.  

 Can you imagine getting a handwritten note like this?  It would feel pretty great, right?  No strings attached, no ulterior motives - just an outpouring of gratitude.  The pure energy of it will uplift you, that’s enough.  If it brightens someone else's day, that’s a bonus.  

 Try expressing gratitude to your network this week.  If nothing else, your feelings of goodness and abundance will expand in the moment as you remember the good that is already present in your life.  

 But also very likely, this practice will expand and bring even more goodness into your life in the days and months and years to come.  

 Don’t forget to join me for Designer Sanity’s  30-day Gratitude Practice this month.   Sign up here to download your FREE 30 day gratitude journal to bring more gratitude into your design business this month.   

 Also don’t forget to follow me on instagram, @designersanity where I’ll be doing daily posts about our journal prompts.

Enjoy settling in and focusing on all the goodness your network brings to your life this week!  

Schedule a FREE discovery call to see if the Design Roadmap system or 1:1 coaching are for you!

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