What you will learn in the

The Design Roadmap Course

Module 1: Foundations

It took me 12 years of working full-time in my Kitchen and Bath design business to hone my systems so I could create the Design Roadmap. I want to save you those 12 years and teach you the tools you need to find success now.  

The Foundations Module is all about getting you up to speed with your processes so you have everything in place to create your own customized Design Roadmap.  In this module you will:

  • Clarify and create your own Design Process. Don’t have a design process yet?  No problem, we will work through a step-by-step process to define your unique process so you can plan your projects out from beginning to end.  Learn from specific examples I use in my business!  
  • Learn how to budget your projects. We’ll walk through a specific process so you can create project estimates with confidence, allowing you to plan your income.  
  • Learn how to schedule your projects.  You’ll learn how to schedule out your projects in a way that works for you.


Module 2: The Design Roadmap

The Design Roadmap is an elegantly simple document that allows you to proactively take control of your design projects from beginning to end.  It's a top-down planning process that puts you back in the driver's seat in your projects. 

The Design Roadmap answers three key questions for you, your clients and the project team: 

  1. What are we going to do? (your design process)
  2. How long is it going to take? (your design schedule)
  3. How much is it going to cost? (your design budget)

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • How to create your own customized Design Roadmap to take control of your projects
  • How to use the Design Roadmap to plan your projects internally
  • How to use the Design Roadmap as a sales tool
  • How to use the Design Roadmap to to communicate with your clients and clarify expectations & boundaries.
  • How to use the Design Roadmap to communicate with General Contractors, Architects and your project team to proactively establish control of your projects from the very beginning.  


Module 3: The Design Roadmap Master Calendar

While the Design Roadmap is all about planning each of your projects, you never have just one project, right?  Most likely, your overwhelm is coming from having so many projects going on at once, and no way to wrangle them all.  The Design Roadmap Master Calendar is where you can finally take the blinders off and plan all of your projects in one place, for you and your team. 

The Design Roadmap Master Calendar is a special, customized calendar I created over many years in my own design business. It’s what I use every week to keep me and my team on track. It contains everything you need to put your mind at rest, knowing everything is accounted for.  

In this module, you’ll learn how to:    

  • Plan all your work for the month in one place.
  • Pace out your projects, week by week, so you know exactly what you need to get done each week to keep all of your projects on track. 
  • Adjust your workload according to your and your team’s capacity - work the hours you want to work.  
  • See all of your meetings and deadlines in one place to avoid overloading yourself.  
  • Take control and spread out your workload so you can achieve work/life balance.  
  • See exactly how far out you’re booked so you know when you can take on new projects.  


Module 4: Putting It All Together - Working the System

Okay, so now you have the two awesome tools, the Design Roadmap and the Design Roadmap Master Calendar, so you can plan your projects and your time.  Now it’s time to get this system running like a well-oiled machine so you can achieve the results you want with ease and efficiency.  

In this module, you’ll learn how to:    

  • Put all the parts together into an efficient weekly and monthly system that runs like clockwork.
  • Best practices for creating and using the Design Roadmap; when to share it and who to share it with. 
  • How the Design Roadmap intersects with your monthly billing to keep all your projects running smoothly.
  • How to use a weekly checklist to stay on top of your Master Calendar so you and your team show up knowing exactly what to do on Monday mornings to make the best use of your time.
  • How to plan your best month ever with the Master Calendar.


Module 5: Bonus Trackers - Your PhD in Efficiency

As you get the system up and running, your projects are going to be running more smoothly than ever before.  With these good habits established, you’re ready to add some extra trackers to help you achieve even better results:  

In this module, you’ll learn how to:    

  • See even further into the future, and know exactly how far our you’re booked.
  • Know exactly when you need to take on new work.
  • See what your income is going to be months into the future.  
  • Keep projects that have slipped off your radar from slipping through the cracks. 
  • Know how much you are actually making per hour.  
  • See exactly how using the Design Roadmap System is increasing your income over time.


...Plus these bonuses to ensure your success

  • Printable visual checklist
  • Create your process workbook 
  • Design roadmap template to create your own roadmap
  • Course calendar download excel document that you can customize for your business
  • Printable course calendar for your home printer
  • Desktop blotter sized course calendar that you can send to your printer.
  • Free 6-month enrollment into the Design Roadmap Power Hour, a weekly co-working session to keep you motivated to keep up with the system over time. 
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