The Design Roadmap System Gives You the Power of Focus

Jul 29, 2022

I was talking with one of my Design Roadmap Course students this morning and she’s starting to see progress implementing the Design Roadmap System.  One thing she commented on was how much control it’s giving her to focus on one project at a time, rather than bouncing around from project to project.  This has been an unexpected benefit she was not expecting, and she’s loving how empowering it feels. Yes, yes, yes!  This is something I have noticed as well, and I wanted to tell you all about it today. 

Here’s how it happens:  With the Design Roadmap System, you plan out all of your projects from start to finish, and then plan them all out together on the Master Calendar.  You have weekly goals for all of your projects and monthly milestones to hit.  You know when your projects will be completed, and how many hours you need to work each week to keep everything on track.  

With the Design Roadmap System you can decide in advance which projects you’re going to work on each week, and how many projects you want to work on at a time to maintain your ideal amount of focus.  

Usually, when we have a lot of projects going at once, we feel like we need to constantly be working on all of them each week to stay on track.  If we focus on one to the exclusion of the others, we feel guilty we are neglecting them and getting behind (because we are!).  It feels like we can’t focus and get ahead on one project without “paying the price” and simultaneously getting behind on all our other projects.  It’s a very frustrating situation, but hard to avoid in our usual way of doing things.  

The Design Roadmap creates a completely different situation.  When you have all of your projects planned out from start to finish and all planned together on the Master Calendar, you get to decide in advance how many projects you want to work on each week in order to maintain your ideal amount of focus.  

We all work better and can be much more efficient and productive when we get to focus on one thing at a time - this is just basic brain science.  

So with the Design Roadmap planning system, you can PLAN to just work on one or two projects each week to maintain your focus, rotating between your projects weekly while still keeping everything on track.  

You don’t have to stress out while you’re focusing on one project to the exclusion of the others because you’ve planned it that way - you know you’ll get to the other projects next week and the week after, as planned, and everything will stay on track.  It’s an amazing feeling!  I can’t even begin to describe how good this feels. 

So, not only are all of your projects staying on track, but you’re able to mastermind your week to work on the ideal number of projects you need to maintain the optimal amount of focus.  

Suddenly you’re seeing your productivity skyrocket and you’re getting more done in less time.  

 You’re producing a higher quality of work.  

 You can contemplate raising your rates since you’re now doing more in less time.  The sky’s the limit. 

 As you get this awareness of how much better you work when you can focus on one project at a time, the Design Roadmap System also gives you the power to schedule out your project start dates so you can do fewer projects at a time, faster.  

Think about it - you only have so many hours in a month, and if you’re working on 20 projects at once, you’re only going to be able to devote a few hours to each, spreading yourself thin.  This means they’re all going to take longer to get completed - it’s just math.  And it’s what naturally happens without a robust planning system.  

But with the Design Roadmap System, you have the power to plan out all of your projects, so you know how far out you’re booked and when you can take on new work.  You know when your projects will be finishing up and when you can begin new ones.  This means that instead of doing 20 projects at once you can do 4 projects at once, and schedule out the other 16 to be completed in order at a later date.  It’s all planned out and on the calendar.  

How amazing would it be to be able to focus all your time and energy on fewer projects and do them faster? 

You’ll be happier, your clients will be happier.  You’ll be producing a higher quality of work and you’ll feel a lot more sane.  (Yes, you’re beginning to understand why I called my company “Designer Sanity!”)  That’s what all these tools are for, and the Design Roadmap is the mother of them all…   It's the gift that keeps on giving, creating benefits far beyond what we might originally expect. 

If this sounds interesting to you and you’d like to have a planning system that gives you the power of focus too, be sure to check out my online Design Roadmap Course.  It has everything you need to learn and implement this life-changing system.  Click here to learn more!

Schedule a FREE discovery call to see if the Design Roadmap system or 1:1 coaching are for you!

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