Keeping all the balls in the air with the Design Roadmap Master Calendar

Feb 04, 2022

I just finished a 3 part series telling you all about the Design Roadmap and how it helps you plan out each of your projects.  If you'd like to check that out, start here.

Today I am so excited to introduce you to the second part of my Design Roadmap System - the Design Roadmap Master Calendar.  I’m really excited about this because the Master Calendar is a major productivity & profit tool!  I can’t wait to tell you all about it and about how it can help you in your business.  

How powerful is the Master Calendar? 

The first month I used the Master Calendar I increased our profits by 50%. Yes, 50%.  Without working more hours.  With less stress.  And I’ve continued to see those results every month since.  If this sounds good to you, read on!

So what is the Design Roadmap Master Calendar?

Remember how we planned out all of our projects with the Design Roadmap?  At the end of creating a Design Roadmap for each of your projects you know exactly what you’re going to do, when you’re going to do it, and how much it’s going to cost.  

The Design Roadmap Master Calendar plans your Roadmaps.

As Kitchen and Bath Designers, it’s not unusual to have 10 to 20 projects going at any one time.  That’s a lot of Roadmaps!  Without a way to plan them all out in one place, you could start to feel like your Roadmaps are not based in reality.  You’ll have no idea if you have the time to actually get all the work done in your Roadmaps.  In order for your Roadmaps to actually work, you need a way to plan them all out in one place, and strategically make adjustments to your schedules if needed so you can actually get the work done.

The 1,000 foot view. 

That’s where the Design Roadmap Master Calendar comes in.  It is a planning tool - a way to get a top-down, 1,000 foot view of all your projects at one time, in one place, so you can plan all your work together and come up with a realistic weekly plan that can actually get done. 

Imagine the power of knowing all of your projects are planned out, and you’re going to get all your work done while working just the amount of hours you want to work… taking time off and enjoying work-life balance.  That’s what the Master Calendar gives you.  

Here’s how it works:

Remember how you created Design Roadmaps for each of your projects with a Design Process, Schedule and Budget?  The calendar puts all of the information from all your Roadmaps together in one place for the month so you can get the 1,000 foot view and plan out all of your work at once.  

On your calendar for each week you can clearly see: 

  • How much time you have available to work
  • What projects you're working on
  • Your goals/deadlines/meetings for each of your projects
  • How long you have to do the work
  • Your time estimates all get totaled up for the week so can be sure you’re planning the right amount of work for the amount of time you have available  
  • Your appointments

Now you have:

  • A plan that starts with the time you have available so you’re not working too much or too little.  
  • Everything planned out for the month so all of your projects stay on track and nothing gets left behind or falls through the cracks. 
  • An action plan each week so you’re clear on what your goals are each week to keep everything on track.  

You can begin with the end in mind, and know with clarity what will get done by the end of the month, how many hours you’ll work, and how much money you’ll expect to make.  

I don’t know any other planning system that takes all of the specific information I need to know for all of my Kitchen and Bath Design projects and puts it all together in one place so I can get clarity on what needs to get done each week.  I searched and searched for this for years, spending thousands of dollars on various coaches and systems, to no avail.  Over the years I just kept tweaking and tweaking, adding more and more to my calendar and weekly plans until I finally got it right.  What I came up with is the Design Roadmap Master Calendar.  

The first month I used the Design Roadmap Master Calendar:

  • I felt focused and productive, showing up each week knowing exactly what needed to get done and how long I had to do it.  
  • I met all of my project goals and felt great about what I accomplished.  
  • Not only that, but I did all of this while working fewer hours than usual, and feeling less stressed.  

This was such a win, and enough motivation for me to see that I wanted to keep using the Calendar!  But then I noticed something else when I did my monthly billing:

  • I made more money.  Like, a lot more - 50% more!  

I absolutely couldn’t believe it.  That was just the icing on the cake.  That’s when I realized the true power of focus, and of working smarter, not harder. 

That is the power of the Design Roadmap Master Calendar. 

So if you would like to get more done, and make more money  while working fewer hours, come join me in learning the Design Roadmaps System.  I’ve developed this System just for you, for the unique challenges you face in managing all of your Kitchen and Bath Design projects.  I’ll be teaching the Design Roadmap Course soon that will give you everything you need to start seeing these kinds of results in your business! Click below to get on the waitlist and find out more! 

Schedule a FREE discovery call to see if the Design Roadmap system or 1:1 coaching are for you!

Schedule now

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Join my mailing list!  I promise not to blow up your inbox, just a weekly email to keep you motivated on your journey to find more Sanity in your design business.  


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