The Designer Sanity Manifesto

Jun 17, 2022

As kitchen and bath and interior designers, we spend all of our time and energy taking care of our clients, often at our own expense.  It can be crazy-making.  Who is taking care of us?

Designer Sanity is all about taking care of you - the designer, and helping you find peace and calm in this wild business. 

As designers, it is so easy to find advice about the latest trends or continuing education about cutting-edge kitchen technology, but where do you find advice for finding calm and sanity in your business?  Who has been in the trenches and understands the unique challenges you face, and knows what to do about them?  

Designers are trained to deliver projects to clients, but not how to project manage multiple projects for multiple clients at the same time!

I’ve spent the last 18 years learning things the hard way in my own design business.  I’m a certified procrastinator and people-pleaser, and if left to my own devices I will sacrifice my own needs to serve my clients every. single. time.  

Over the years this desire to help my clients has led to professional success but personal burnout, and I’ve had to learn how to make boundaries, how to delegate, and how to set up systems to make things run smoothly so I could get my sanity back.  

I created Designer Sanity to share everything I’ve learned with you and for us to explore new ideas together.  If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that it's time to prioritize our own physical, mental and emotional well-being as designers.  Designer Sanity is here to help with that.  

This is not generic self-care advice like “go to the spa” (although that is a great idea - definitely do that!).  Instead, we’re here to provide ideas and solutions tailored specifically to the unique challenges that you as a designer face so you can find some sanity in this crazy business!  

I’ve built this business on the basic idea that you deserve to have relaxed, proactive control over your business and client projects. You’re in a tough industry with a very niche skillset, and if you aren’t intentional about your project load, you can find yourself feeling utterly overwhelmed and burned out pretty quickly.

I want to help you change that in your own business.

Like I said before, Designer Sanity isn’t about self-care relaxation routines (although I think that’s an important part to destressing your life!). Designer Sanity is about practical frameworks and actionable steps you can use in your business to know exactly when you need to work, how much money you’ll make, and where you can predict future projects.

I’d encourage you to spend some time exploring the website and downloading my free resources to get started!

You’ve got this!

Schedule a FREE discovery call to see if the Design Roadmap system or 1:1 coaching are for you!

Schedule now

Want to get more tips and tricks to keep you sane? 

Join my mailing list!  I promise not to blow up your inbox, just a weekly email to keep you motivated on your journey to find more Sanity in your design business.  


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