4 Common Problems Solved by the Design Roadmap

May 20, 2022

I’m so excited to announce that the Design Roadmap Online Course goes on sale today!  I’ve been working on the course for months, re-recording the modules and getting everything organized so you can watch the videos online and learn at your own pace.  You can click here to purchase the course.  

Today, I thought it would be fun to reflect on four of the common problems that the Design Roadmap solves.  

Problem #1:

I’m always feeling behind on my projects. Even though I know I’m doing good design, I feel apologetic that things are always late.


With the Design Roadmap I get to feel great about what we accomplish every month and that things are happening in a timely manner. No more apologies that things are late!


Problem #2: 

I don’t feel clear about everything that needs to happen on a project, or how long it’s going to take me. I feel a bit like I’m following breadcrumbs on a trail in the dark with a flashlight- I know the next thing that needs to be done, but I can’t see beyond that. I wish I could see the big picture.


With the Design Roadmap, I'm clear about everything that needs to happen on a project and what is coming up so I can plan ahead.


Problem #3:

I tend to respond reactively to client and contractor requests for things. I get a call or an email and feel I need to jump to deliver what was asked for immediately. This makes it hard to plan my time and feel in control.


With the Design Roadmap, I rarely, if ever, get random calls from clients asking for unexpected things. They know what's coming up and what to expect. If a project goes on hold, it's easy to pick it up again and set expectations of what's to come and how long things will take.


Problem #4: 

I scramble from fire to fire. A client will check in and I’ll realize a month has gone by since our last meeting. I’ll set up a presentation and scramble to complete the work in a few days, working long hours fueled by adrenaline and caffeine. Meanwhile, I’ve ignored all my other projects and after a brief rest I need to scramble to put out the next fire. It’s an endless and exhausting cycle of stress.


When everyone has a Design Roadmap, we are left to do our work as planned with very few interruptions. It's the gift that keeps on giving!


If you’ve been struggling with these problems too, you’re not alone.  Most of us as designers struggle with these things, and there just aren’t a lot of tools out there designed for the unique challenges we face as kitchen and bath designers. 

That’s what makes the Design Roadmap different.  It was designed BY a kitchen and bath designer FOR kitchen and bath designers.  I was facing these problems in my business, and I set out to solve them… and solve them I did.  The Design Roadmap solved these problems, and so much more. 

I can't wait for you to feel the sense of ease and control that the Design Roadmap can create in your business.  Click here to purchase the Design Roadmap Course now!


Schedule a FREE discovery call to see if the Design Roadmap system or 1:1 coaching are for you!

Schedule now

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